A Joan Belgrave Production

Jazz, Blues, Gospel, and R&B Producer/Vocalist, Joan Belgrave, widow of the late Detroit Jazz Master Laureate, and Motown Funk Brother, Marcus Belgrave, announces a collaboration with the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History. Ms. Belgrave is producing and performing in a program celebrating June, Black Music Month. The program explores the connection between music and the black experiencein America. It will include African Drums, Gospel, Jazz, Blues, Rhythm and Blues, Spoken Word and Graphic Art.
The production will include music from slavery through modern days, showing the correlation between the music of the time and the history which created it. The production brings together esteemed members from the literary, musical, graphic art and dance worlds. Combining their efforts to show that through all times, the arts have guided, expressed, and in some cases even healed our souls.
With performances or art by:
Vocalist/producer – Joan Belgrave www.joanbelgrave.com
The Motown Legends Gospel Choir
Mark Scott - (Lead Vocalist for the Miracles Revue Feat. Mark Scott)
The Lisa Mc Call Dancers - (Choreographer for Aretha Franklin for over 25 years)
Kresge Eminent Artist, Esteemed Author, Bill Harris
Dancer/Producer, Ryan Meyers-Johnson
Poet/Artist – San Francisco State Professor, Landon Smith
And more….
Thursday, June 27th, 2019 7:00pm-8:30pm
Charles H Wright Museum
of African American History
315 E. Warren Ave, Detroit, MI 48201
Tel: 313-494-5800
Ticket Purchase online: www.thewright.org
Tickets:$20 – General Admission, $15 Museum Members, $10 Students